đŸ”ĨInferno Pit

8% of all $PETO traded are burnt in The Inferno Pit. When trading volume increases, the amount put into the Inferno Pit will also increase. Its most innovative feature is that, not only will the amount of tokens burned continue to increase with every transaction, but as a result of the Auto-Compounding feature, each of these tokens is then auto-compounded every 15 minutesI Thus maximizing the output and drastically reducing the overall circulating supply.

With the likelihood of having an enormous amount of tokens in our trading volume, the risk of inflation without proper measures is high. Due to this protocol, however, the inflationary pressure will be minimized as the tokens sent to this wallet continuously burn. Additionally, due to the deflationary nature of the burn, each $PETO token will gain a higher value. Therefore, increasing the overall value of the token. This is critical for the sustainability of hyper-APY projects.

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